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High 5

The High 5 Junior Mathematicians Challenge, which kicked off in 2015, is an initiative that targets gifted and talented primary students in Mathematics who are in Years 5 and 6 in both state and non-state primary schools. The High 5 Junior Mathematicians Challenge consists of three phases. The first phase is the qualifying phase in which all students nominated by their school sit for a Qualifying Test. The top performing participants (approx. 50) will qualify for Phase 2. The qualifying students identified in Phase 1 participate in five online after-school workshops. These workshops provide students an excellent opportunity to nurture their skills through practice in stimulating problems that go beyond mere computation. They are also presented with rich tasks that require spatial as well as analytic abilities. During the workshops, the students are given the opportunity to enrich their heuristic skills and they are further challenged to create questions and to explore and develop other mathematical concepts. Throughout the workshops the students are requested to keep a portfolio of the activity tasks.

Phase 3 is the final stage of the challenge. In Phase 3 the students compete in both individual and group challenges.

Further details and past papers for downloads are available HERE.

Video links